
New Covenant

Let us build the Church

We need a place to gather from House Churches for worship on Sunday at nearest place. We have been building the Church in different places where the need for the Church gathering. I have given below the needs for the Church building; Place ( Rental or Gift place) Materials ( Sand, Cement, Breaks, Water, Cooling Sheets, Pipes, etc)   Expense ( Labor Charge) Other Expense ( Table, Chair, Bible, Song book, Etc)    Jesus said; I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Mathew 16:18. Building soul and construction is very important to give values for the Church life.  Future of the Church; Fivefold ministers work to gather, to share Gospel, teaching, training and sending to the next place.( He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. Ephesians 4:11) Sharing the resource of spiritual, business, social and assets to members of Christ, find ou...

Ministry Model snaps

Baptism  New Delhi, House Church - Model snap Arni, Convention, Model snap and Family Blessing Meeting Andaman Nicobar Islands, Train the Believers, model snap.  and Sharp Conference  Tracks Distribution at Arni Taluk within a day Free Note Distribution, model snap Children's Skit at Ariyalam. Street Prayer, Ariyalam, model snap. Graveyard, Ariyalam. 

Church Construction

New Covenant Church is established on 18:08:2018 on Saturday by 3:42 am at Arni, Tamil Nadu, India by the inspiration of the holy spirit. NC’s important vision to establish new churches in different part of the world, start up by House Churches gather to gather in one place on every Sunday. This is a new born babies’ communities to involve in five-fold ministries of Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist and Teacher in the body of Christ. New covenant with Christ even inside the body of Christ, every single body of Christ unities and to assist with all churches continue to develop them in the body of Christ. It is not an organization but it is viral movement in the body of Christ to fulfill His commission in the world.  This ministry started by Ebenezer V, Rebekah Ebenezer with joined hands of Johnson and Glory Johnson. We have strategy to establish Churches first step at Houses, and gather to gather all in one place called temporary shed, here is simple model given belo...